About Terry

Strategic advisor & marketer helping organizations grow, prosper and thrive.

My Story

I have a strong track record and demonstrated success helping grower-shippers and food producers, entrepreneurs, small-to-medium size businesses and nonprofit organizations prosper and thrive. I bring a wealth of experience including building two successful marketing agencies, managing a daily newspaper, riding the dot com wave, leading nonprofit trade associations and consulting with over 150 for profit and nonprofit organizations.

I’m adept at helping clients determine and refine their goals, create and tell their stories, and achieve their full potential. While the techniques and strategies can help any organization, I have deep experience in:

  • Agriculture, Food and Agtech
  • Multifamily and Commercial Real Estate
  • B2B Business Services
  • Entrepreneurs and Inventors
  • 501(C)6 and 501(C)3 Nonprofits

I believe strongly that strategy is the foundation upon which successful organizations are built. But I don’t stop at strategy, for without efficient and focused execution, success cannot be achieved.

“Terry has remarkable business acumen and his passion for each project at hand is infectious!”




